Thursday, April 28, 2011

We have made it another week!!!!!

So yes I am still sitting around pondering what each new day will bring. But most of all are so thankful for everyones support and prayers that keep this little peanut in me and that were both healthy. It's amazing when you go through life situations who is there to help you get through the difficult times. It's just amazing the prayers, love, meals, just in general help from others.
Last Friday we received our first meal and Mike felt ashamed that we were getting meals, he stressed he didn't like it. But Monday came around, he worked in Detroit all day came home ate and went to his consistery meeting for church. He got home and told me how thankful he is for the meals, just one less thing he has to do and worry about. I think that both Mike and I are such independent people that it's just hard to break down that wall of our security, but God knows that and us inside and out, that I believe he's just working in us to have to break us down. We don't always just need ourselves and we are learning this one day at a time. The meals have been amazing, when they drop them off they look just as happy as we are receiving them. How great is that to give and feel great? Our God is truly amazing!!!! He gives to us all the time!!!
Every morning I've been just opening my Bible and reading where I open up. I have read some very great chapters this last few weeks. I read on Job 35 this morning. I just have to say God leads me to these chapters 100%. It talks about sinning and I want to recap a little for you. Elihu is asking- what do I gain by not sinning? If I sin how does this effect me? If you are righteous what do you give to God or what does he receive from you? God does not listen to our empty pleas. Sometimes we wonder if being faithful to our convictions really does any good at all. God is still concerned even though he doesn't intervene immediately in every situation. In Gods time. We have his promise on that. Don't lose hope, wait upon God. He notices our faith. Is it just me or is he speaking to me? God is so amazing, so very amazing!!!!
So we have reached another week, praise God!!! And I haven't written much this week because I have had such good company visit with me, which I am so thankful for. It keeps my mind off the negatives. I know a lot of people wonder,care and are worried about us. We are hanging in there 1 day at a time.... And really do appreciate everything from the bottom of our hearts. We will keep you updated. Next doctor appointment is Tuesday, I am trying mentally to become more and more prepared for what's to come, and I'm not to be honest, but trying to accept that it is out of my control at this point and am trying everything in my power to hang in there. Still scared to death of a c section. I don't know how all you women do them, but I know you have to do what you have to do. And I have to accept it, I'm trying... I think it's everything really that its all out of my control at this point that scares me and drives me nuts. I want to have a plan, I want it to work out in my way, I want it to be done in my way. Sound familiar? I, I, I...... If only life was that easy. But if it was we wouldn't get to the relying on God part. If we didn't have this happen to us we would have just taken the whole pregnancy for granted, as we do with much of our lives. It's like we think we deserve it. We deserve nothing to go wrong in our lives and everything to go just right. But it's the complete opposite. We deserve nothing. Really we don't..... By Gods grace he loves us and cares for us....and gives us all things.
So thank you again for the love you've shown us and may God bless you this day....

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