Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Surgery date set

So I will be having surgery on Thursday in the afternoon. Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers Thursday and the few days after. We will post the results when we know. Thank you for the support already given. It's so great to know we have all of you praying, it gives us great comfort. The last few days have been very rough and emotional. For the unknown is not easy for me. Please also pray for my recovery. When I had the biopsy the 26th, it still hurts, getting better, but sore yet. So fast recovery to take care of the 6 of us would be so appreciated. Thank you all for everything. We are so blessed that God gave us a great church family and community to live in and be supported by and prayed for. We love you all and a big thanks to all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Praying! Please keep mr updated and let me know anyway to help? Is anyone bringing meals?
