Thursday, June 14, 2012

Melina-1 year old!!!

Our little miracle is 1 year old already!!! I can not believe how fast time flys when you get no sleep. Yes she still gets up 3-5 times to nurse yet. She is a stinker but sure is cute! She is starting to talk she yells Daaaad! Mom was her first word, she can say num num and the boys from playing Life yesterday taught her Bob, she has been saying it all the time. It did sound like she said Brody like 5 times today. She is a whooping 17 pounds and 28 inches long as of yesterday. 5 shots too:( Tiny thing-size 2 sometime s 3 diapers and most 3-6 month clothes well pants-built like her daddy. Shirts 12 month. Everyone that sees us says brody and Bailey look like me and Micah and Melina look like Mike. Her hair is still orange with streaks of blonde. I got a pony tail in 2 days ago until she pulled it out-she hates things in her hair!!!She is walking everywhere, but shes been doing that for a while-now trying to run-its so cute! 2 teeth-eats everything-fuzzys,garbage,etc...Puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. She has a temper already, she has a meltdown I think everytime we go to Meijers. She had the cutest party on Sunday, I spent 2 days making decorations, thank you pintrest. You know 1st girl, 1st birthday!!! She got her 1st pair of crocs-so cute! Sand toys,food,bath toy, 3 outfits, money, and the boys got her a ladybug pillow pet.
The boys are doing great-Brody is doing golf league again and in drivers training-YIKES!!! Im getting old.. Micah is in Tennis and guitar right now and is such a huge help with Melina. Bailey is in T ball and Tennis right now-him and Brody hang out the most-best buddies. They are all healthy and enjoying break so far-not too bored yet with everything going on-July will be less busy and I cant wait.
Now to the big news, now when I tell people that they assume we are pregnant again...So NO we are not, still working on fixing that. We bought a new old house. We sold ours in Febuary and have been renting from Mikes mom and dad and a few weeks ago we bought my grandpa and grandma Brink's original farm house. It was definately a God thing-29 offers and we got it. So demo began last week-some spots to studs,drywall, basically everything ripped out. It was the original 1960 everything. It has been alot of work,surprises, and stress! But I think in the end and I hope it will be worth it. Kitchen is almost in and bathroom-thats exciting. New plumbing and cement and windows coming soon. Roof went on last week. Have you ever seen the movie the Money Pit? I think thats my house!!! I believe we will be there for a while,its funny we sold our house to build a bigger one and then we buy one half the size of our last one. I think since we moved into the rental we have all loved somedays being so close. In our last house some would be down stairs some people on the main floor and some up stairs-I believe we have grown closer living in such close quarters. 3 boys in an office!! Ill have to post a picture-Its hewey dewey and louie. We will go where ever God wants us to go and I feel that everything happens for a reason and am excited about where hes taking us-its an adventure...
So I will try to keep this updated..I know its been a long time, so sorry! 4 kiddos has put me on overtime all the time.

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